American Red Cross Explores the Horror Movie Genre to Raise Awareness About Blood Donations
For its latest campaign, the American Red Cross paired the reality of blood donations with the fictitious world unlocked by the horror movie genre, playfully blending these themes to create a PSA that is aimed at encouraging people to contribute to saving patients’ lives. The idea of putting these two seemingly opposite topics in the same context comes from the minds of the creative people at BBDO New York agency who, alongside director Matt Spicer of production company division7, used a humorous approach and the amazing talent of the Scream franchise’s star, Neve Campbell, to bring “A Bloody Nightmare” to life.
The horror genre is famous for showcasing the protagonists usually making bad decisions — unfortunate choices that lead to a lot of blood being spilled. The scenes are so scary and creepy that they send shivers down the viewers’ spines. Indeed, the film might make them feel frightened but only for a brief time, as they know the movie will end; plus, the plot is only imaginary. So, they enjoy every minute of the film. In fact, 50% of Americans like watching blood spilled in the movies. But blood isn’t for cinema only; it is the fluid of life that at least one in seven patients entering a hospital needs in order to save their lives.